Copy trading, swaps with comments, PnL in profiles, top traders, fresh tokens, EFP integration, improved notifications and more in our latest monthly update.
Highlights 🚀
We launched copy trading:
You can now swap with a comment;
Token screen updates: top traders, fresh tokens label, custom notifications for swaps with new tokens;
Interface web updates: NFT screen with video & music players.
Features 🦄
Copy trading: you can now repeat a swap after someone else – they will get notified once you do, and it will also be visible to all Interface users in the feed. We see copy trading as a new powerful onchain discovery tool, as it enables you to easily see who copied whom and navigate to the source of the original signal.
Swap with a comment: it is now possible to add a comment to any swap you make via Interface. Whether you want to leave a note for your future self, or share your thoughts about a token with your followers, you can now do it all.
Swap with a comment
PnL: we added a ‘Trades’ tab in user profiles, allowing you to see estimated trading profits and losses for any user.
Trades (PnL by token in profiles)
Top traders: you can now view top traders for any token, sorted by realised trading profit. Filters coming soon.
Top traders by token
Fresh tokens: new tokens now have labels in feed and in their respective profiles, so you can quickly spot if they're new. We also let you know if the token that someone traded is new (created within the last 24 hours) or VERY NEW (created within the last hour).
New tokens in feed
Interface Web: NFT pages are here. You can view holders and activity, as well as listen to or watch any onchain content in web.
Interface Web: Audio Player
Asks 🫡
We’ll be migrating our monthly updates to Paragraph, so please give us a follow there 😇